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Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee

       Gregg  Munroe

                                 Founder and President

Gregg Munroe has over 30 years’ professional experience in law enforcement, force protection and private investigation. He began his career in law enforcement in 1982 as a city police officer in South Florida.  In 1987 he joined a Federal Law Enforcement agency where he spent the next 23 years conducting and supervising a myriad of major felony, counterintelligence and counter terrorism investigations and proactive covert and overt operations. He retired as a senior executive with this agency; his last position being as a Special Agent in Charge of a large Field Office in Southern California.

Upon retiring from federal service Gregg became an executive with a private investigation agency with many diverse corporate and private clients requiring a full gambit of security and loss prevention services. In this arena Gregg became acquainted with licensing bodies and high-stake licensing examinations. National clients required him to build security plans and loss prevention policies that served to protect this type of intellectual property from loss, theft and ultimate compromise. During the course of this work, he became knowledgeable of the methods and requirements in developing examinations, so they were relevant as a tool to measure an individual’s knowledge and competence in a particular field of study.

After leaving that company Gregg opened his own private investigative agency and met many budding PI's who were studying for a particular state licensing agency.  Their constant complaint was that there were no "Practice Examinations" out there that they could find to help them study for the actual state examination.  It was at that time that piPrep Inc. was conceived.  With Gregg's background in Law Enforcement, Private Investigations and high stake examination security, along with his knowledge of test development, he decided the best way he could help out these budding PI's was to give them a valuable tool that will help them study for and pass their respective state examination so they can begin their PI career.  It was a logical transition due to Gregg's expertise. 

The business started with one state.  It has now grown to six. The clients who have purchased these examinations to date have said they were an invaluable tool that not only helped them to study, but ultimately pass the examination.  There is no better feeling as the developer and creator of these practice examinations than to know the practice examination was instrumental in helping my clients pass the examination.