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Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee

The Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies was created for the purpose of safeguarding the citizens of the Great State of Georgia by regulation of the private detective and security businesses. The regulation of such business is declared to be in the public interest.


Shortly after placing your order you will receive an email with a link to download and/or access your test.  In most cases it's within minutes.  If you do not see your email from us within an hour, please check your SPAM folder.  If you still do not see it contact me immediately at  All orders are placed by hand, so if you place your order after 10 pm, than more than likely you won't see it until the next morning.

  • Georgia Board of Private Detectives Website

  • Georgia Laws, Chapter 38

    Click HERE to be brought the laws page.  Once there, find the laws icon and click on the link 1. Visit.  Once there scroll down to "Title 43" then hit the + sign on the left.  This will bring you to another section.  Once there scroll down to Chapter 38 and  hit the plus sign.  This is part of your study material.   

  • Georgia Law, Chapter 43

    Click HERE to be brought to the laws page.  Once there click on the link under the laws Icon.  Once there scroll down until you reach Chapter 43.  Then click on Chapter 1, General Provisions.  This is part of your study material.

  • Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia

    Click HERE to be brought to the rules and regulation page.  Click on the Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia link to be brought to the rules and regulation page for Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies.  This is part of your study material.

  • 2023 Georgia code

    Click HERE to be brought to the law page.  This will be reference material if you need to look up any laws mentioned in the study material.  

  • Licensing Services

    Click HERE to be brought to the licensing services page.  On the top menu bar you'll see a dropdown menu.  The services include:

    Apply for a Private Detective License

    Check Application Status

    License Search

    Renew Your License

    Order an Identification Card

    Active License Statistics


  • PSI Testing site

    Click HERE to be brought to the PSI testing site for the Georgia Private Detective Agency and Private Security Agency Licensure Examination.    PSI is the agency that administers the state test.  Once you get to the page, look towards the upper right of the page and look for "CANDIDATE BULLETIN".  Click on the icon to download their bulletin which provides most of the information you'll need to prepare for the test.  

  • FAQ

    Click HERE to be brought to the FAQ page.  This is a good source for many questions you might have as you go through the process.  

  • 10 question sample test

    Click HERE to be brought to the sample practice test page.  Once at the page all you have to do is put in your name and click start to take the test.  These questions come from the actual practice examiantion.  These questions are not from the actual state test.   If you want to purchase one of the tests go the Buy Now link on the menu bar and select your test to purchase.  

Thank you so much for your attentiveness in getting the GA Private Investigator Examination to me. It was truly a blessing. I passed the test!!!! I attribute the fact that I passed to your product. Not only was the content of the Practice Exam EXTREMELY helpful in judging how well prepared I was for the examination, but knowing the format of the test prior to sitting down to take it, made me completely at ease as I began. I would highly recommend that anyone looking to sit for the GA Board of Private Investigator and Security Agency Test order the Practice Exam. It gave me the edge and confidence I needed to pass the test.  Patrick L.

For more testimonials click here.

Your purchase will include both the computer-based examination that can be taken from any electronic device as many times as you like. The test is unique because each time you take the test the questions and answers to each question is scrambled so it's like you're taking a new test each time. Once you purchase the exam a link to gain access to your test will be emailed to the email address you provided at checkout. The printed copy is a PDF that can be downloaded and printed if desired, or you can use on the computer to take notes and highlight study areas of interest. Both examinations will enhance you study time.

Georgia Computer Based Private Detective Practice Examination

Georgia Computer Based Private Detective Practice Examination


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Georgia Computer Based Examination & Printed Copy

Georgia Computer Based Examination & Printed Copy


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