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Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee

Public Protection Cabinet

Office of Occupations and Professions

Board of Licensure for Private Investigators​​

The Kentucky Board of Licensure for Private Investigators serves the Commonwealth to promote, preserve, and protect the public safety and welfare through effective regulation of the practice of private investigations. The Kentucky Board of Licensure for Private Investigators accomplishes this mission through the examination, testing, and licensing of prospective private investigators; regulation and discipline of all licensed private investigators; and through appropriate communication of information and laws pertaining to the practice of private investigations in Kentucky.

 *The above write-up was taken from the official Kentucky website at:


Shortly after placing your order you will receive an email with a link to download and/or access your test.  In most cases it's within minutes.  If you do not see your email from us within an hour, please check your SPAM folder.  If you still do not see it contact me immediately at  All orders are placed by hand, so if you place your order after 10 pm, than more than likely you won't see it until the next morning.

  • Kentucky Board of Licensure for Private Investigators

    Click HERE to open the Kentucky Board for Private Investigators main website page.  This is your starting point for all information required to obtain your PI license.  

  • Kentucky State Examination Information

    Click HERE to be taken to the official Examiantion page on the state website.   It also has the study guide link at the bottom of the page.  Beware, it takes a while to upload.  


    This is what is on their examination page:

    Private Investigator Examination

    The Kentucky Board of Licensure for Private Investigators has contracted with Schroeder Measurement Technologies Inc. to develop an exam that licensees must pass in order to become certified as private investigators. 

    Test Fee

    The test fee is $156 per candidate.

    Scoring Reporting

    The Kentucky Private Investigator Examination test scores are reported as a scaled score rather than a raw score (actual number of questions answered correctly).  The reporting scale ranges from 150 to 300.  The minimum scaled passing score will be set at 260.  A candidate who achieves a scaled score at or above 260 on an examination will pass the examination, while a candidate who scores below 260 will fail the examination. Diagnostic information will be provided to all candidates so that they can see areas of strength and weakness.

    Each examination is constructed to meet the content requirements described in the corresponding content outline.  Each test form uses different questions; and therefore, may vary slightly in difficulty.  As always, a candidate's score will be based on the number of questions answered correctly, but the raw score will be converted to and reported as a scaled score.

    Proper psychometric procedures are employed to make certain that form difficulty is taken into account and that no candidate is at an advantage or disadvantage.  To prevent candidates who took a less difficult form of the examination from having an unwarranted advantage over those who took a slightly more difficult form, raw scores are converted to scaled scores that represent comparable levels of achievement.

    Examination Study Guide

  • Kentucky Private Investigators study guide

    Click HERE to be taken directly to the study guide.  Be patient, it sometimes takes a while to upload as it's 209 pages long.

  • Kentucky Revised Legal Statutes

    Click HERE to open the Legal section of the website.  


    This is what is on their legal page:

    Kentucky Revised Statutes

    KRS 329A.010 Definitions for KRS 329A.010 to 329A.090.
    KRS 329A.015 License required to hold self out as private investigator -- Criminal background check.
    KRS 329A.020 Kentucky Board of Licensure for Private Investigators -- Members -- Appointment -- Vacancies -- Reimbursement -- Meetings -- Removal of members -- Liability insurance.
    KRS 329A.025 Duties and powers of board.
    KRS 329A.030 Revolving fund.
    KRS 329A.035 Applications for licenses -- Requirements -- Confidentiality.
    KRS 329A.040 Board's duties upon receipt of application -- Approval -- License and identification card -- Individual license.
    KRS 329A.045 Renewal -- Fee -- Grace period -- Termination and reinstatement -- Revocation -- Evidence of continuing education -- Inactive status.
    KRS 329A.050 Change of ownership -- Agent who ceases to perform duties.
    KRS 329A.055 Prohibited acts.
    KRS 329A.060 Investigation of licensee wrongdoing -- Hearing -- Admonishment.
    KRS 329A.065 Disciplinary actions -- Civil penalty -- Permanent file -- Assurance of voluntary compliance -- Appeal.
    KRS 329A.070 Scope of KRS 329A.010 to 329A.090.
    KRS 329A.075 Notification of board.
    KRS 329A.080 Penalty for violation of KRS 329A.015.
    KRS 329A.085 Legislative intention to occupy field.
    KRS 329A.090 Short title for KRS 329A.010 to 329A.090.
    KRS 329A.095 Licensure and certification for private investigators conducting fire or arson investigations.


    Kentucky Administrative Regulations

    201 KAR 41:020 Application for licensure.
    201 KAR 41:030 Examination.
    201 KAR 41:040 Fees.
    201 KAR 41:060 Renewal and reinstatement procedures.
    201 KAR 41:065 Inactive status.
    201 KAR 41:070 Continuing professional education requirements.
    201 KAR 41:080 Complaint procedure.
    201 KAR 41:090 Code of ethics.
    201 KAR 41:100 Verification of 240 hour employees.
  • Kentucky Private Investigator Application Packet

    Click HERE to download the PI application packet.  

  • Kentucky PI Licensure Forms and Documents

    Click HERE to be taken directly to the forms and docuents page.  


    This is a list they currently have on their website:

    PI Complaint Form    - 89K


Kentucky Computer Based Examination

Kentucky Computer Based Examination


Buy now

Your purchase will include both the computer-based examination that can be taken from any electronic device as many times as you like. The test is unique because each time you take the test the questions and answers to each question is scrambled so it's like you're taking a new test each time. Once you purchase the exam a link to gain access to your test will be emailed to the email address you provided at checkout. The printed copy is a PDF that can be downloaded and printed if desired, or you can use on the computer to take notes and highlight study areas of interest. Both examinations will enhance you study time.

Kentucky Computer Based Examination & Printed Copy

Kentucky Computer Based Examination & Printed Copy


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