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1.  Paperless

2.  Gain access to the examination 24/7 from any device.  The exam is mobile friendly

3.  Take the test as many times as you like and each time it's different

      a)   How is it different?  It's the same question examination as the paper exam, but each time you take the exam the test questions along with the answers to the questions are scrambled.  It makes it appear that it's a different test each time.  This helps greatly in using the examination as a study tool. 

4.  It's only $10.00 more so it's a great deal.

5.  This test works on both Windows and Mac platforms.

6.  This test is mobile device friendly.  Take it with you wherever you go.

Computer Based Test


                                                                                                   SIMPLE DIRECTIONS:

1. Once you're ready purchase click HERE and you'll be taken to the purchase page.  

2.  Once you complete your purchase you will be sent an email with directions on how to gain access to your test.  It's that simple.  

3  If you have any problems accessing the online test, please write to


6 Reasons to buy the on-line computer based practice exam, pub-0202655203179627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Private Investigator Practice Examinations

Alabama - Florida - Georgia - Kentucky - Louisiana - Tennessee

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